Surthrival Mode


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Surthrival Mode (Sur-thrive-al) is the latest book from award-winning celebrity life coach, speaker and best selling author of Pervis Principles Volumes 1& 2 and co-author of Single Man, Married Man, Pervis Taylor, III. The book is best described as a how-to-guide for men to navigate through their emotions and trauma using the 4 A’s of Surthrival Mode (Acknowledgement, Acceptance, Articulation and Alchemy). The book aims to bridge the gap in men between just surviving and getting by in life to ultimately thriving within their emotions, mental health and relationships with others and themselves. With suicide rates and mental health issues rising rapidly with men, Surthrival Mode aims to be an effective tool to be used in the healing of men. The book is steeped in power, intimacy and vulnerability. By depicting his own personal narrative of abuse, depression and low self-esteem, Pervis illustrates an easy to follow guide for how he used the 4A’s of Surthrival Mode to transmute his life story. Readers will be left with actionable steps and tools to apply as they embark on their journey to Surthrive.

Surthrival Mode


Surthrival Mode Workshops

The Surthrival Mode Workshop is an interactive experience designed for men conducted by Pervis.

The Surthrival Mode Workshop is an interactive experience designed for men conducted by Pervis that brings the 4A’s contained in Surthrival Mode to life. Participants will be equipped, empowered and informed to create healthy ecosystems of healthy masculinity, emotional and mental health. It’s a great tool for high schools, colleges, men’s groups, churches and more. Be Great!!

Pastor Warryn Campbell offers his thoughts on Life Coach,
Pervis Taylor’s Surthrival Mode Workshop.


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